Yesterday typhoon Chaba lashed Kyushu and here in Shikoku where I live the very strong wind blew and heavy rain falled. At night the electric current was off. Having nothing to do, I went to bed earlier than usual but I couldn't sleep so well hearing roar of the wind.
In the morning walking out of the house, I found some dozens tiles of the roof was blown off. But a tiler say he is so busy and can't come to repair at once. He manages to come after a week or so. But I have no way to solve it. I am anxious about raining. I wonder if it is all right? I hope so.
I added Google AdSence in my blog. How do you think of the position of the bar? This is the best position, I think. And I checked Email Post links "Yes". At first I didn't understand this Email Post very well, but having sent a mail I found. This sends a link to my blog "MySouda Weblog". It's interesting but I don't know if I use this function so often.
Today I noticed that there was The new Blogger Navbar in this "MySouda Weblog" and My page design has been a little distorted. So I edited the template and made my page almost the same as before. It took a little time but I am satisfied with this design now.
I have noticed "Show Quick Editing on your Blog?" in the Setting/Basic since a few days ago but I don't care about it so much. Today finding "Revise with Ease" in Blogger News, I tried setting to Yes. But no changes.
Reading "What's up with Quick Edit links?" further, at last I found. Probably using the old template, we must have the <$BlogMetaData$> tag in your Template's <head> section, and the <$BlogItemControl$> tag wherever you want the Quick Edit links to appear.
I could show the icon of pencil in my this Blog by doing so. When not logging in, it seems not to appear, though.