Yesterday it rained a little heavily but today is fine, though we can still see a lot of clouds in the sky.
I wrote about "St. Luke's summer" at the last entry, but I also learned a phrase "St. Martin summer". We call Indian summer "koharubiyori" in Japanese and it means "the warm days like summer (though "haru" means spring in Japanese) in early winter (shoto), which is November.
Looking into the dictionary, I learned that "St. Luke's summer" means "In English folklore, a period of fine, calm weather, similar to Indian summer, occurring in October." and "St. Martin's summer" is "In English folklore, a period of fine, calm weather, similar to an Indian summer, occurring in November."
Taking these into consideration, "koharubiyori" is the most similar to "St. Martin's summer", I think.
By the way St. Martin's Day is November 11 and the same day as Veterans Day, isn't it?.